Following the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Shelby v. Holder (2013), which stripped federal protections against barriers to voting access, the burden of identifying and addressing voting rights issues shifted to state and local groups.

Our History

After the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark 2013 decision in Shelby v. Holder — which stripped away the Voting Rights Act’s preclearance protections against attacks on voting rights in most Southern states — the burden of addressing voting discrimination fell to the Southerners most affected by discriminatory voting policies. Now, communities facing discriminatory voting laws have to file lawsuits, often after the discriminatory laws have already taken effect.

In 2013, to combat the consequences of the Shelby decision and foster community-led voting rights campaigns, the North Carolina-based Southern Coalition for Social Justice (SCSJ) launched the Southern Leadership for Voter Engagement (SOLVE) network.

In the 2010s, SCSJ partnered with communities of color and low-wealth communities throughout the South to defend and advance their political, social, environmental, and economic rights. By using the combined skills of movement lawyers, researchers, organizers and storytellers, SCSJ has helped people develop strategies to overcome obstacles and achieve their vision for their communities.

At its start, SOLVE brought together over 50 organizations, including members from colleges and universities, and over 100 affiliates involved in voting rights efforts mainly throughout the South.

We are now a network of more than 200 grassroots voting rights group from 10 Southern states (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia) dedicated to protecting and expanding access to the ballot. We

Relaunched in 2021 following a national wave of attacks to erode our freedom to vote and protest, SOLVE is a growing network of organizations spanning ten Southern states — all led by members who live and work in the South.

We answered THE CALL.


SOLVE organizations are working to protect the vote.


NC Ignite
SC Progressive Network
The People’s Agenda
Virginia Civic Engagement Table
Southern Echo
Blueprint NC
Southern Coalition of Social Justice

Crescent City Media Group
Women’s Watch Africa
Democracy North Carolina
New Virginia Majority
Southern Partners Fund
Georgia WAND
Fair Vote
Asian and Pacific Islander American
LatinoJustice PRLDEF

Lawyers’ Committee
Campus Vote Project
Arizona Advocacy Network
Fair Elections Legal Network


We are the people who address policies that have weakened the voting strength of Southern communities and formed barriers to the right to vote across the region.